Implementing Your Business Process Mapping

how to implement business process mapping. Business consultants Brisbane

Now that you have spent hours staring at colourful sticky notes, mapping out every step of your business process on whiteboards, you’ve climbed the first big mountain and should give yourself a pat on the back! But, as they say, the journey doesn’t end with a map. It’s time to set sail and bring your business process map to life.

Let’s roll up our sleeves and dive into the practicalities of implementing your Business Process Mapping (BPM).

What’s Next After Mapping?

First, let’s quickly revisit why BPM is a game-changer. It allows us to visualise every process in our business – everything from responding to customer inquiries to managing stock. By laying everything bare, we can identify bottlenecks, inefficiencies, and areas ripe for automation.

But having a map isn’t enough. It’s just the beginning. The real challenge and opportunity lie in implementing these findings to drive growth and productivity. But don’t panic; let’s break this daunting task into digestible bits.

Step 1: Involve Your Team

Your employees are the wheels that drive your processes, so they must be on board with the changes. Begin by walking them through the new process maps, explaining what’s changing and, most importantly, why. Make it interactive. Ask for their feedback and possible improvements. It’s a fantastic way to foster a sense of ownership and ease the transition.

Step 2: Prioritise and Schedule

Not all processes are created equal. Some might be urgent fixes, while others could be long-term efficiency plays. Rank your process improvements based on impact, cost, time, and ease of implementation. This will help create a realistic implementation schedule that won’t bring your entire operation to a screeching halt.

Step 3: Small Changes First

The trick to successful implementation is often to start small. Pick a few low-risk, high-impact changes and implement them first. This approach has two benefits. First, it allows your team to adapt to new processes without feeling overwhelmed. Second, quick wins will build momentum and confidence, making the rest of the journey smoother.

Step 4: Train and Educate

Whenever you change a process, there’s a learning curve. Plan for training sessions where everyone involved can learn the new process and ask questions. Pro tip: appoint a ‘process champion’ for each process change – someone who’s particularly invested and can help their colleagues adapt.

Step 5: Monitor, Measure, and Adapt

Now, the real work begins. Just like a ship once it’s left the harbour, you cannot forget about a process once it’s been changed. Set up KPIs (key performance indicators) and regular review sessions to see if the changes have the desired effect. If not, feel free to tweak and adapt. Flexibility is your best friend on this journey.

Step 6: Celebrate Success

Finally, and this is the fun part, celebrate your successes. Every change that leads to a more efficient process is a step towards a more prosperous business. Acknowledging these wins, big or small, and celebrating with your team is important. After all, they’re your crew on this exciting journey.

Implementing your Business Process Mapping isn’t a walk in the park. It involves change and change often brings resistance. We know our business consultants have assisted over 400 businesses in implementing these processes. By partnering with you, we can break down the implementation into manageable steps, applying your team, start small, and continually monitor and celebrate progress; you can navigate the waters of change more easily and efficiently.

Now that you’ve got your map and a plan of action, it’s time to raise the anchor and set sail. Happy navigating, dear business adventurers!